Creating prefab objects

With these easy steps you can create prefabs for all of your projects in a few minutes

Drawing the Prefab

First, we need to create the object that we want to turn into a prefab.

  1. Select a new feature to draw. This is the feature we will turn into a prefab.
  2. Draw the shape that you want for the prefab.
  3. (Optional) Change the calculation properties of the prefab.

Saving the Prefab

After the prefab is drawn, we can add it to our library.

  1. Press the "Create Prefab" button in the object information after selecting the newly drawing feature.
  2. Enter a name for your prefab and save it.
  3. (Tip) Please note that the prefab is saved with it's current orientation on the grid. Make sure that your object is aligned on the grid correctly.
  4. (Tip) If you want to change the shape or properties of your prefab you can always overwrite it by saving it again with the same name.

Placing the Prefab

Adding the prefab to your project

  1. Select the prefab that you want to add from your prefab library.
  2. Place the prefab in your project.
  3. (Tip) Your prefab will be placed on the grid the same way it was placed when creating it. To place it on a different orientation, please realign your grid beforehand.

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